5 Simple Ideas For What To Say In An Audio Guest Book Message

Have you ever been to a wedding where there was an audio guest book and you didn’t have a clue what to say?! Maybe you have another wedding coming up and you don’t want to find yourself lost for words again. We get it! It’s hard when you are put on the spot, right?

Here are 5 simple ideas for what to say when there is an audio guest book at your next wedding:

1. Leave a personal anecdote.

Why not keep it personal and share a heartwarming or funny story about the couple? It could be about when you first met, a shared memory that they might have forgotten, or a story that exemplifies the love you have for them.

2. Leave some words of wisdom.

You might choose to offer some advice or well wishes for the couple's future. This could be a piece of advice you've found valuable in your own relationship, a blessing from your culture or religion, or a meaningful quote that has stayed with you.

3. Send congratulations and love.

If you are feeling particularly nervy, there’s no need to overthink it! Keep it simple and sweet by expressing your congratulations and love for the newlyweds. Share your happiness for them and wish them all the best for their future together!

4. Sing a song!
Not for the faint-hearted but If you're feeling extra creative, sing a song… do a rap! Extra points if you’ve made it up, or you could perform something that you know they love!

5. Crack a joke!

Remember, the happy couple will be listening back to lots and lots of messages which could get a bit samey if everyone just says ‘Congratulations, great wedding!’… no shade. Why not be the one who shakes things up with a funny joke?! It obviously helps if you are a naturally funny person otherwise it might be a bit awks but even that will turn out to be gold in years to come!

There is no right or wrong when it comes to what you should say in an audio guest book message. The key is to not overthink it. Audio guest books are designed to be fun, not stressful. Be yourself, that’s what the couples will want to hear when they listen back to their messages in years to come.


5 Things Not To Say In An Audio Guest Book Message At A Wedding


What is an audio guest book anyway?